Positions Available
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This listing was last updated October 18, 2024.
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This listing was last updated October 18, 2024.
Position Descriptions:
Music Director/Organist
Lakewood Presbyterian Church – Jacksonville, FL
Lakewood Presbyterian Church is seeking a Music Director/Organist to lead a 30-member choir (including paid section leaders) and enthusiastic congregation in weekly worship and rehearsals. Lakewood is a welcoming church family which
appreciates and supports its music ministry through in-person and online attendance, financial gifts, well-maintained instruments, prayer, and a dedicated Worship Ministry!
This position is salaried at 30 hours per week, including preparation, practice, rehearsals and services. Interested persons please send resume along with music sample audio/video to [email protected].
Core Competencies:
Reporting and Compensation:
Please send resumes to [email protected]
Music Director Organist
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Parish St. Mary's Georgia
Organist Music Director is sought for Our Lady Star of the Sea, Located in beautiful St. Mary’s Georgia. The Parish is in a new church, recently completed in 2010. There are approximately 450 families registered.
Two weekend Masses, Holy Days, Weddings and Funerals. The church desires someone who will build the music program, and develop parish choir(s) and cantors.
There is a new Digital Organ in the Church.
This is a salaried position, in the range of $40,000 – $50,000 per annum.
Church website:
106 E Dillingham St, St Marys, GA, 31558
Please Contact:
Reverend Father Mariusz Fuks
Church Phone 912 – 882-4718 #101
[email protected]
Full or Part Time Church Musician Position Available
Saint Paul Lutheran Church, 2730 West Edgewood Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32209
We are seeking a skilled individual to provide organ and piano music in a professional manner for all worship services, seasonal and special services, and special occasions such as weddings and funerals.
The individual must have a committed relationship with God and be able to display a professional level of musical talent from training and experience. H/she must be able to work with the church choirs, Pastor and Worship Ministry. H/she must be able to use music to facilitate congregational singing, bridge the generational gap, and to create the appropriate spiritual atmosphere at the correct moments within the liturgy.
The individual hired for this position must be available for weekly rehearsals with the church choirs and periodic meetings with the Pastor and Worship Ministry.
Salary range $16,900 to $20,800.
Send resume to:
Saint Paul Lutheran Church
c/o Rev. Stephen A. Wiggins Sr.
2730 West Edgewood Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32209
[email protected]
Substitute Organist
Westminster St. Augustine Worship Services
Westminster St. Augustine is a faith-related (PCUSA) continuous care retirement community located
near World Golf Village. We are seeking a Substitute Organist to play in our Chapel for our ecumenical worship
Services as needed, when our regular Organist is not available.
The Substitute Organist must be available on Thursday afternoons from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. at Westminster St. Augustine and spend the necessary time to prepare and practice. Playing Special Services (e.g. Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and Easter) may also be an option. Additional renumeration for on-campus Memorial Services is possible, as
needed and available. For Thursday worship services, the Substitute Organist would prepare and play a Prelude and a Postlude of their choice, corresponding to the theological theme or scripture of the day.
Hymns are chosen in advance by our Chaplain (Presbyterian ‘Glory to God’ hymnal). When we celebrate Communion, the Substitute Organist would play appropriate music during the distribution of the elements.
You would play our Rodgers Series 235 digital organ with an adjustable organ bench; a two-manual instrument with a full pedalboard, 28 orchestral voices, 35 main stops, and 99 voice palette stops within four organ styles: American Eclectic, English Cathedral, French Romantic, and German Baroque.
Like to learn more? Call Rev. Goodwin at (904) 417-2512. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume with references to: Rev. Jean Goodwin, Chaplain, at [email protected].
St. Anastasia Catholic Church - Full-time Music Director/Accompanist
St. Anastasia Catholic Church in St. Augustine, Florida - on beautiful Anastasia Island - seeks a full-time Music Director/Accompanist.
Candidates must be of the Catholic faith; have a strong understanding of Catholic liturgy; a passion for the Church's rich tradition of musical excellence from sacred chant to contemporary praise and worship compositions; an ability to inspire and nurture cantors, and the members of multiple choirs including a children's choir.
The successful candidate will be proficient in at least one accompanying instrument, preferably the organ and/or piano.
The position entails coordinating the parish music program including planning and rehearsing for daily and weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals, Holy Days, liturgy of the hours and other liturgical and parish celebrations requiring music as well as organizing the parishes annual concert series featuring musicians from around the globe.
Visit https://hr.dosafl.com/careers/ to apply today.
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish - Music Director
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish on Wilmington Island in Savannah, Georgia, is seeking a parish musician/music director. Our parish has approximately 750 registered households and our school 250 students. A well-qualified candidate will have experience in providing accompaniment for congregational singing on the organ and/or the piano. This position includes, but is not limited to, participation in four weekend liturgies, Holy Day masses, school masses, weddings, funerals, Holy Hour on First Fridays, and other liturgies during the year. Re-forming an adult choir and practices with a student choir and teaching music in our school (1-2 classes per day) are also expected.
To apply please send your resume to Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh at [email protected].
Asbury United Methodist Church of Orange Park
Part-time Pianist/Accompanist Job Description
Asbury United Methodist Church of Orange Park, Florida seeks two or more skilled accompanists proficient in organ/piano/guitar to share a regular schedule of accompanying congregational singing and choral performance during Sunday morning worship and Wednesday choir rehearsals. Additional weekly expectations include prelude, postlude and occasional offertory/special music. Applicants should have experience in leading hymn singing, choral accompaniment, and familiarity with United Methodist hymnody and various other genres of sacred music.
Necessary skills:
• Ability to play hymns, service music, and special music
• Experience with and basic knowledge of church music
• Flexibility, sight-reading, and simple improvisatory abilities
• Ability to work collaboratively with others
• Possess good organizational and communication skills
• Play at 10 am Sunday morning worship 2-3 Sundays per month throughout the year, including regularly scheduled singing of Children’s and Chancel Choirs September - May.
• Play at Wednesday evening rehearsal 2-3 Wednesdays per month September - May.
• Responsible for selection and preparation of appropriate service music which may include: prelude, offertory, postlude, special music during communion, and seasonal cantatas with direction from music director.
• Play as scheduled for special services, including evening Holy Week services (Thursday and Friday before Easter), Easter sunrise service, Christmas Eve services (1-2 evening services), and others TBD.
• Play, for extra compensation to be provided by those requesting services, for weddings, funerals, memorial services, as needed.
• With assistance from music director, arrange for acceptable substitute in the event of absence.
Anticipated time commitment:
• Sundays: 9 am – 11 am according to rotating schedule (if 2 or more accompanists hired).
• Wednesdays: current schedule is 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm according to rotating schedule
• Preparation outside of choir rehearsal and worship
How to Apply:
Interested applicants should submit a resume and references electronically to Bethany Whitlock at [email protected].
Music Director/Organist
Lakewood Presbyterian Church – Jacksonville, FL
Lakewood Presbyterian Church is seeking a Music Director/Organist to lead a 30-member choir (including paid section leaders) and enthusiastic congregation in weekly worship and rehearsals. Lakewood is a welcoming church family which
appreciates and supports its music ministry through in-person and online attendance, financial gifts, well-maintained instruments, prayer, and a dedicated Worship Ministry!
This position is salaried at 30 hours per week, including preparation, practice, rehearsals and services. Interested persons please send resume along with music sample audio/video to [email protected].
Core Competencies:
- Highly skilled in organ/piano with some improvisational abilities
- Strong choral coaching and accompanying skills in a wide variety of genres
- Knowledge of music programming to include handbells and praise band
- Strong communication skills and ability to work with others
- Work with the pastor to select music for the various music programs, and also provide all aspects of service music
- Direct the Chancel Choir and oversee the direction of all church choirs, Handbells, Chimes, and Praise Band
- Attend weekly staff meetings and monthly Worship Ministry meetings
- Submit to the church office in a timely manner information about music for the coming Sunday, plus any other pertinent information to be included in the worship bulletin
- Arrange for substitutes for planned absences
- Be the musician of first resort for weddings or funerals at this church
- Provide music for special services e.g. Christmas, and special music such as solo, ensemble, and instrumental
- Engage in promotion and recruitment of choir members, growing and developing the size and caliber of the music program
- Maintain and/or oversee the maintenance of the choral music library and instruments
Reporting and Compensation:
- The Music Director reports to the Pastor (Head of Staff)
- The Music Director will have an annual salary commensurate with experience
Please send resumes to [email protected]
Music Director Organist
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Parish St. Mary's Georgia
Organist Music Director is sought for Our Lady Star of the Sea, Located in beautiful St. Mary’s Georgia. The Parish is in a new church, recently completed in 2010. There are approximately 450 families registered.
Two weekend Masses, Holy Days, Weddings and Funerals. The church desires someone who will build the music program, and develop parish choir(s) and cantors.
There is a new Digital Organ in the Church.
This is a salaried position, in the range of $40,000 – $50,000 per annum.
Church website:
106 E Dillingham St, St Marys, GA, 31558
Please Contact:
Reverend Father Mariusz Fuks
Church Phone 912 – 882-4718 #101
[email protected]
Full or Part Time Church Musician Position Available
Saint Paul Lutheran Church, 2730 West Edgewood Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32209
We are seeking a skilled individual to provide organ and piano music in a professional manner for all worship services, seasonal and special services, and special occasions such as weddings and funerals.
The individual must have a committed relationship with God and be able to display a professional level of musical talent from training and experience. H/she must be able to work with the church choirs, Pastor and Worship Ministry. H/she must be able to use music to facilitate congregational singing, bridge the generational gap, and to create the appropriate spiritual atmosphere at the correct moments within the liturgy.
The individual hired for this position must be available for weekly rehearsals with the church choirs and periodic meetings with the Pastor and Worship Ministry.
Salary range $16,900 to $20,800.
Send resume to:
Saint Paul Lutheran Church
c/o Rev. Stephen A. Wiggins Sr.
2730 West Edgewood Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32209
[email protected]
Substitute Organist
Westminster St. Augustine Worship Services
Westminster St. Augustine is a faith-related (PCUSA) continuous care retirement community located
near World Golf Village. We are seeking a Substitute Organist to play in our Chapel for our ecumenical worship
Services as needed, when our regular Organist is not available.
The Substitute Organist must be available on Thursday afternoons from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. at Westminster St. Augustine and spend the necessary time to prepare and practice. Playing Special Services (e.g. Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and Easter) may also be an option. Additional renumeration for on-campus Memorial Services is possible, as
needed and available. For Thursday worship services, the Substitute Organist would prepare and play a Prelude and a Postlude of their choice, corresponding to the theological theme or scripture of the day.
Hymns are chosen in advance by our Chaplain (Presbyterian ‘Glory to God’ hymnal). When we celebrate Communion, the Substitute Organist would play appropriate music during the distribution of the elements.
You would play our Rodgers Series 235 digital organ with an adjustable organ bench; a two-manual instrument with a full pedalboard, 28 orchestral voices, 35 main stops, and 99 voice palette stops within four organ styles: American Eclectic, English Cathedral, French Romantic, and German Baroque.
Like to learn more? Call Rev. Goodwin at (904) 417-2512. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume with references to: Rev. Jean Goodwin, Chaplain, at [email protected].
St. Anastasia Catholic Church - Full-time Music Director/Accompanist
St. Anastasia Catholic Church in St. Augustine, Florida - on beautiful Anastasia Island - seeks a full-time Music Director/Accompanist.
Candidates must be of the Catholic faith; have a strong understanding of Catholic liturgy; a passion for the Church's rich tradition of musical excellence from sacred chant to contemporary praise and worship compositions; an ability to inspire and nurture cantors, and the members of multiple choirs including a children's choir.
The successful candidate will be proficient in at least one accompanying instrument, preferably the organ and/or piano.
The position entails coordinating the parish music program including planning and rehearsing for daily and weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals, Holy Days, liturgy of the hours and other liturgical and parish celebrations requiring music as well as organizing the parishes annual concert series featuring musicians from around the globe.
Visit https://hr.dosafl.com/careers/ to apply today.
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish - Music Director
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish on Wilmington Island in Savannah, Georgia, is seeking a parish musician/music director. Our parish has approximately 750 registered households and our school 250 students. A well-qualified candidate will have experience in providing accompaniment for congregational singing on the organ and/or the piano. This position includes, but is not limited to, participation in four weekend liturgies, Holy Day masses, school masses, weddings, funerals, Holy Hour on First Fridays, and other liturgies during the year. Re-forming an adult choir and practices with a student choir and teaching music in our school (1-2 classes per day) are also expected.
To apply please send your resume to Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh at [email protected].
Asbury United Methodist Church of Orange Park
Part-time Pianist/Accompanist Job Description
Asbury United Methodist Church of Orange Park, Florida seeks two or more skilled accompanists proficient in organ/piano/guitar to share a regular schedule of accompanying congregational singing and choral performance during Sunday morning worship and Wednesday choir rehearsals. Additional weekly expectations include prelude, postlude and occasional offertory/special music. Applicants should have experience in leading hymn singing, choral accompaniment, and familiarity with United Methodist hymnody and various other genres of sacred music.
Necessary skills:
• Ability to play hymns, service music, and special music
• Experience with and basic knowledge of church music
• Flexibility, sight-reading, and simple improvisatory abilities
• Ability to work collaboratively with others
• Possess good organizational and communication skills
• Play at 10 am Sunday morning worship 2-3 Sundays per month throughout the year, including regularly scheduled singing of Children’s and Chancel Choirs September - May.
• Play at Wednesday evening rehearsal 2-3 Wednesdays per month September - May.
• Responsible for selection and preparation of appropriate service music which may include: prelude, offertory, postlude, special music during communion, and seasonal cantatas with direction from music director.
• Play as scheduled for special services, including evening Holy Week services (Thursday and Friday before Easter), Easter sunrise service, Christmas Eve services (1-2 evening services), and others TBD.
• Play, for extra compensation to be provided by those requesting services, for weddings, funerals, memorial services, as needed.
• With assistance from music director, arrange for acceptable substitute in the event of absence.
Anticipated time commitment:
• Sundays: 9 am – 11 am according to rotating schedule (if 2 or more accompanists hired).
• Wednesdays: current schedule is 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm according to rotating schedule
• Preparation outside of choir rehearsal and worship
How to Apply:
Interested applicants should submit a resume and references electronically to Bethany Whitlock at [email protected].